Lively interview with Robyn Earley and EC Helme for the 3rd Annual 2019 J/Fest New England Regatta hosted by Sail Newport coming August 9th, 10th & 11th.               Spectators can view the race on beautiful Narragansett Bay & attend the party on Saturday August 10th for $25!

Open to all J Boats!  Even Rent from Sail Newport ! Participants can learn more, get all the details for Friday, Saturday, Sunday and register at

#jfestnewengland #Sailing  #J22 #Jboats #regatta #race #marina #SailNewport #newport #newportri #NarragansettBay #RI #HellyHansen #QuantumSails #TheShipstoreRigging #MaritimeSolutions #EastCoastYachtSales #StyleNewport #GuardianJet #NewportDinnerCruises #RunSons #MaineBeersCo #NLandL